
Learn all about jCanvas


A line path in jCanvas is, essentially, one or more contiguous line segments.

Basic Usage

You can draw a line path using the drawLine() method. Coordinates are defined using x1, y1, x2, y2, and so on (as many as necessary).

  strokeStyle: '#000',
  strokeWidth: 10,
  x1: 100, y1: 50,
  x2: 100, y2: 150,
  x3: 200, y3: 100,
  x4: 150, y4: 200

Closing a line path

You can, optionally, close a line path, which will connect its start and end points with an extra line. To do so, use the closed property.

  strokeStyle: '#000',
  strokeWidth: 10,
  x1: 100, y1: 50,
  x2: 100, y2: 150,
  x3: 200, y3: 100,
  x4: 150, y4: 200,
  closed: true

Rounded Corners

You can round the corners of a line path using the rounded property.

  strokeStyle: '#000',
  strokeWidth: 10,
  rounded: true,
  x1: 80, y1: 50,
  x2: 100, y2: 150,
  x3: 200, y3: 100,
  x4: 150, y4: 200

Plotting an array of points

If you wish to utilize an array containing your points, you can easily construct the drawLine() object using a loop.

// The .drawLine() object
var obj = {
  strokeStyle: '#000',
  strokeWidth: 6,
  rounded: true

// Your array of points
var pts = [
  [80, 50],
  [100, 150],
  [200, 100],
  [150, 200]

// Add the points from the array to the object
for (var p = 0; p < pts.length; p += 1) {
  obj['x'+(p+1)] = pts[p][0];
  obj['y'+(p+1)] = pts[p][1];

// Draw the line

Dashed lines

Browsers began recently adopting the ability to create dashed lines. To do so in jCanvas, specify the strokeDash and strokeDashOffset properties.

The strokeDash property accepts an array of one or two numbers, and the strokeDashOffset property accepts a single number. See the Properties page for specific usage details.

  strokeStyle: '#000',
  strokeWidth: 3,
  strokeDash: [5],
  strokeDashOffset: 0,
  x1: 100, y1: 50,
  x2: 100, y2: 150,
  x3: 200, y3: 100,
  x4: 150, y4: 200


Instead of the drawLine() method, you can also plot line segments using the [drawVector()](/jcanvas/docs/vectors/) method (which draws lines using vectors rather than (x, y) coordinates).

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