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An ellipse in jCanvas is, essentially, an elongated circle. The size of an ellipse is determined by its width and height properties.

Basic Usage

You can draw an ellipse using the drawArc() method. The size of an ellipse is determined by its start, end, width, and height properties.

jCanvas considers zero degrees to lie due north of the ellipse (like the 12 on an analog clock).

fillStyle: '#c33',
x: 150, y: 100,
width: 200, height: 100
strokeStyle: '#36c',
strokeWidth: 4,
x: 150, y: 100,
width: 200, height: 100
strokeStyle: '#5b2',
strokeWidth: 4,
x: 150, y: 100,
width: 200, height: 100,
start: 0, end: 180,
ccw: true