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Creating a Plugin

jCanvas provides a plugin API so you can create methods which integrate with jCanvas. To do so, use the jCanvas.extend() method.

The extend() method accepts one object containing three properties:

  • name: The name of the method you are creating
  • type: Optional; the type of drawing, which jCanvas will recognize as a valid value for the type property.
  • props: Optional; the custom properties your method uses (and their default values). These properties will be merged into the arguments object (mentioned below) for use in your method’s code.
  • fn: The function providing the plugin’s functionality. It accepts two arguments:
    1. The context of the canvas
    2. The parameters object the method will receive when called
name: 'pluginName',
props: {
prop: true
fn: function (ctx, params) {
// Your code here

Example: drawHeart()

To demonstrate how this works, we’ll be creating a method that draws a heart on the canvas.

// Create a drawHeart() method
name: "drawHeart",
type: "heart",
props: {
size: 0,
fn: function (ctx, params) {
const canvas = this,
width = params.size,
factor = 0.75,
height = width * factor,
angle = PI * (factor * (1 - factor));
// Enable shape transformation
$.jCanvas.transformShape(canvas, ctx, params, width, height);
const x = params.x;
const y = params.y + width / 8;
ctx.moveTo(x, y + height / 2);
ctx.arc(x + width / 4, y - height / 2, width / 4, angle, PI, true);
ctx.arc(x - width / 4, y - height / 2, width / 4, 0, PI - angle, true);
params.closed = true;
$.jCanvas.detectEvents(canvas, ctx, params);
$.jCanvas.closePath(canvas, ctx, params);
// Use the drawHeart() method
layer: true,
draggable: true,
fillStyle: '#f6c',
x: 160, y: 100,
size: 140,
rotate: 30


If you use TypeScript, the $.jCanvas.extend method is generic and accepts a single type argument representing the types of any new props you define.

// Create a drawCrescent() method
$.jCanvas.extend<{ eclipse: number; }>({
name: 'drawCrescent',
type: 'crescent',
props: {
eclipse: 0.5
fn: function (ctx, params) {
console.log(params.eclipse); // eclipse: number
// ...

Creating a definitions file (d.ts)

To extend the native jCanvas types to support your new methods/properties, create a d.ts file with the same base name as your plugin file (e.g. if your plugin filename is jcanvas-crescent.ts, then the definitions file should be jcanvas-crescent.d.ts):

The definitions file should look something like this:

/// <reference path="./node_modules/jcanvas/dist/esm/jcanvas.min.d.ts" />
// You might need to adjust the above path
interface JCanvasDefaults {
eclipse: number;
interface JQuery {
drawCrescent(args: Partial<JCanvasObject>): JQuery;

API Methods

The jCanvas object ($.jCanvas) provides a few useful methods for integrating your methods with jCanvas. All of these methods accept the same three arguments: the canvas DOM element (this), the canvas context (ctx), and the parameters object (params).

  • setGlobalProps(): sets global canvas properties like fillStyle, shadowColor, etc.
  • transformShape(): Enables shape transformation using the standard transformation properties (rotate, scale, translate). Note that the closePath() method must be called later on to restore the layer transformations.
  • detectEvents(): Enables and detects jCanvas events for your custom path. Note that this method should be called at the end of your path.
  • closePath(): Closes the current path, and fills/strokes it if the respective properties have been set. The method also enables masking for the path through the use of the mask property.
  • setCanvasFont(): Sets the font of the canvas context based on the fontStyle, fontSize, and fontFamily properties.
  • measureText(): Augments the given parameter object with the calculated width and height of the text. Accepts an array of strings (representing lines of text) as a fourth argument.
$.jCanvas.detectEvents(this, ctx, params);
$.jCanvas.closePath(this, ctx, params);


When calling your method, jCanvas will automatically loop through selected canvas elements, so you don’t need to.